Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Well, Well, Well.....

A deep subject as they say. I will start this Blog by saying autoimmune disorders suck, and most people who have one, have at least one other.

Type 1 diabetes is no joke, and as most people who have an autoimmune disease that requires daily attention (or hourly) can attest-sometimes it is just outright exhausting..so we will just leave it at I was out of spoons.

And now-inst Fall just gorgeous?!

I am very behind on getting Christmas presents going-how about you?? You know there are only
83 days as of this writing (click to see where we are now) until Christmas - OH MY!!!

I am hoping for some quality sewing room time this weekend-hoping my body will cooperate!

What are you working on??

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Ans did I say it Saint Patrick's Day.....

Well--- in our house its a big deal. But it's not just Saint Patrick's Day...it is my eldest Granddaughter Abigail's Birthday..she is already 9! WOW!!

Image result for ballet clip art free

She started Ballet--and her younger sister tap/ballet (she is only 3)..the times just goes and goes....it does not seem like it could be 9 years ago.

Now that every-loving sewing room re-organisation-yes it is still ongoing..but the progress this week is good. The problem was besides some things just not working out (measuring isn't everything) the viral plague hit our household a couple of times over. But all is good now and on we go.

Hoping to get it done soon so some real sewing production can occur!

What have you been sewing?