I recently gave a spech at Toastmasters, explaining the passion I have for
quilting. In that speech I said I normally have a least three quilts in the
works. One I am actively quilting, one I am peicing or appliqueing, one I am
planning...well I have a bit more than that at the moment…
The one I am actively quilting-This was the last quilt top my Grammy made.
The ones I am piecing-Patchwork Pennies
Skyline Pentacostal Quilt Class Quilt blocks-
4 down 62 to go…
Proof Block for my new “Easy 7” Quilt
©Denise Bevard 2012.
All rights reserved.
I am also planning my “Easy 7” quilt,
challenge, and the Hip Hip Hurray
Challenge. Now not all challenge quilts get completed…sometimes they just
don’t “gel” in time..but I think I can get these all done if the plans in my
mind comes out in fabric the way I think they will. And I am working on a class sample for another possible class…stay tuned.
he pillow covers to match the mystery quilt done-already been
used for tent building by my grandaughter Abi. They met with her approval.