Friday, August 18, 2017

September is fast approaching

In Reno

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that means :

Burning Man  Image result for burning man clip art freeI cant afford to use the real logo--it's much nicer

If like me you can't go and want to see some of the action there will be a live feed again: Burningman live feed

Rib Cook-off
Image result for bbq ribs clip art

Camel Races

Image result for camel clip artImage result for ostrich clipart

Balloon Races

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Air Races

Image result for reno air races images
Street Vibrations

Image result for motorcycle clipart

yes---very busy here.

And then there are Christmas Present to be made!!!

Image result for christmas present clipart

Yes, it really is closer than you think..

Christmas Countdown

What are you planning and sewing?

Friday, August 4, 2017

The Dog Days of summer came early

Because the HEAT is MELTING us --and yes we have A/C and a swamp cooler (it only work s well a little over 90)--but when you leave work and get in your care and it is 105 in your car...even waiting with doors open for the A/C to cool it off is energy zapping..

Image result for dog days of summer clip art free

and causing way to many fires--actually most of the fires are being caused by people not being careful..but there are way too many anyway

Image may contain: sky, outdoor and nature

Not much is getting done in the sewing realm. Some work on the sewing room still looks like a cyclone hit.  some hand work on some turtles, mug rugs and borders on the Twilight Zone..

We are supposed to get some relief from the 100 degree+ temps--but thunderstorms may make the fire/smoke issue worse.

I am still able to plan Christmas presents and collect patterns in this heat tired state...

I am ready for Fall....

On a brighter note--have you got your glasses to watch the eclipse?  If not and you are in Reno they have them here:  Walmart Reno 7th St-Vision Center

While we won't get the full eclipse, it will be upwards of 70%...

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Also coming are the Perseid Meteor Showers  -usually nice and cool by the time you can see them :-)

What are you planning for this hot weather??