Monday, August 10, 2015

I don't sell Prayer/Comfort Shawls & PrayerComfort Quilts....

I make many, I share many, but my Prayer/Comfort Shawls and quilts are made for people I know and care for, and gifted to them.

I will help people buy fabric, sit by them and help them make them, but I will not sell them for people to give to other people.

I share pictures of what I have done, so others can get ideas... they are sometimes hard to come by in times of stress.

When I make a prayer/comfort item, The needs of the person(s) are forefront. The timing of the need dictates how complicated. I have don all-nighters for needs that were urgent.

For me, each item requires lots of thought, and prayer. If some bible verse(s) are repetitive in the process I will normally share those with the receiver in a note, or in conversation or prayer if I am able to deliver personally.

So here are a few examples for those who may be looking for ideas...

They really can be as complex or as simple as you want or need them to be. 

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